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Title: Easier in than out
Published: Ventura County Star
Date: May 8, 2007
About this cartoon: Each side in the U.S. has strong views on the war in Iraq, with Democrats arguing to set a deadline and pull out, whilc Bush counts on a surge of additional troops. The American public leans toward the Democrats' view. My own feeling is that this has been a horribly ill-conceived, misguided war done badly in almost every aspect... but that it's neither simple nor good to rush out of there. Any kind of quick pullout sets in motion the potential for catastrophic results, from an empowered Al-Qaida to a bloodbath among Iraqis foar beyond current levels, to a Mideast version of a world war as neighboring states try to shape the region and prevent the other side from seizing power. Like a fishing hook, our entangling from Iraq is going to have to be very, very careful... and slow.

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