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Title: California buys and sells power
: Marin Independent Journal
Date: Aug. 1, 2001
About this cartoon: Heading into Summer 2001, as power supplies declined and fears of rolling blackouts in the summer heat increased, the state bought electric power at a very high price. As the summer progressed, the weather stayed moderate while new power supplies were added. The result left California with a short-term excess of power, which it then sold, for a fraction of what it paid. Governor Davis pooh-poohed remarks that the state had bought and sold in a ridiculous manner, saying he simply did what was needed at the time.
Noteworthy: Minerva, the lady on the state seal, makes one of her infrequent appearances as a handy symbol for me in state cartoons. I'd use her more, but many readers, unfortunately, seem not to know who she is or what she represents.
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