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Title: Never far from the surface
Published: Jewish Bulletin of Northern Calif. (San Francisco)
Date: Mar. 21, 2003
About this cartoon: Anti-Semitism has taken a big upswing, with Mideast tensions, sympathy for Palestinians, terrorist attacks and war looming with Iraq helping fuel it. Hatred in the Arab lands is part of children's curriculums, hatred in Europe saw a resurgence after guilt from the Holocaust had eased, and even a Democratic U.S. congressman suggested that Jews were pushing a war with Iraq and could stop it if they wanted to. Perhaps situations had changed around the world... or perhaps the niceties of recent decades were being discarded and people were reverting to their customary, unmasked and unfiltered attitudes.
Noteworthy: This is how the cartoon was intended and how it ran in other papers; in the Jewish Bulletin the spurts of oil-like gushers were eliminated.
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